
Olive Allen

Right: Olive Allen | © Julien Gremaud

Right: Olive Allen | © Julien Gremaud

Olive Allen | © Julien Gremaud

Olive Allen | © Julien Gremaud

Installation view: 24 SEEDERS | © Julien Gremaud

Installation view: 24 SEEDERS | © Julien Gremaud

The wall is a Metaverse grid where the artworks create distortion in the field. The text communicates the artist’s thoughts on the overall significance of these early days of technological development and what it means to her. The aesthetic echoes her solo show Welcome to the Metaverse at Postmaster Gallery, New York, 2022.

‘Metaverse is not just the popular catchphrase and VC investment thesis, but truly is an escapist dream. A chance for a new life, a chance to restart. In this new world you can be anything, gravity does not hold you back. There are seemingly endless possibilities and multitude of paths. The question is: are they of your own creation or you’re simply following someone else’s agenda. Everyone has a chance to design their world…or it is merely an illusion & Metaverse will be run by corporations seeking profits & feeding us entertainment in the hope of selling us products we don’t need. Despite the seriousness of the subject, there is still room for humor and childlike excitement. I choose to believe in the world of unlimited possibilities and curious juxtapositions.’ Olive Allen

Olive Allen is a New York-based NFT artist and tech entrepreneur working at the intersection of art, tech, and gaming. She is a cryptocurrency early adopter and one of the pioneers of the NFT space.

Twitter: @iamoliveallen
Website: oliveallen.com


Left: All-You-Can Eat CryptoBull Drive-Through, 2020
Digital Painting, Non-Fungible Token

Right: Journey 1, 2022
Animation with sound, Non-Fungible Token